Search Results for: coal and power

Alumni (3 results)

He, Gang

Gang He


Gang’s research work focuses on energy mod­el­ing, energy eco­nom­ics, energy and cli­mate pol­icy, coal and power sec­tors and their key role in both the global energy sup­ply and in inter­na­tional ... Continue Reading »

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Miller, Christian

Christian Miller


Measuring California’s Energy Service Affordability (MS ’19) Christian is fascinated by energy end-uses’ effect on communities’ economic and political well-being. While his formal scientific background is in biorenewable resources, his ... Continue Reading »

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Marcus, David

David Marcus


ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT This ERG alumni spotlight features one of the first ERG graduate students, David Marcus (MA’77), and is written by ERG alumna, Sarita Sarvate (MS’78). The piece is the first ... Continue Reading »

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News (9 results)

Staying the Course on Climate: Navigating Uncertainty with Energy and Optimism

Staying the Course on Climate: Navigating Uncertainty with Energy and Optimism

Join us for ERG’s 31st Annual Lecture on Energy and the Environment, where Mary D. Nichols will be conversing with Carla J. Peterman in an engaging discussion about their careers, ... Continue Reading »

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Paper Authored by PhD Candidate Noah Kittner and Professor Dan Kammen Published in Nature Energy

Paper Authored by PhD Candidate Noah Kittner and Professor Dan Kammen Published in Nature Energy

Noah Kittner and Dan Kammen's new paper, "Energy stor­age deploy­ment and inno­va­tion for the clean energy tran­si­tion," was published in Nature Energy on July 31, 2017

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Kammen – Why Democrats and Republicans are Both Right on Climate

Kammen – Why Democrats and Republicans are Both Right on Climate

ERG professor Dan Kammen authored a guest blog post for the Scientific American on different strategies proposed by the Democratic and Republican Parties to address global warming.

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ERG Professor Kammen: Coal Makes Global Poverty Worse

ERG Professor Kammen: Coal Makes Global Poverty Worse

ERG Professor Daniel Kammen discusses how renewable energy offers a road out of poverty, while coal condemns people to it.

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Obama’s Clean Power Plan is finally out, but scientists say the work’s just begun.

but scientists say the work’s just begun. Obama’s Clean Power Plan is finally out

ERG Professor Daniel Kammen was featured in two magazine publications regarding Obama's Clean Power Plan and the impacts it might have on the U.S. population.

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ERG Annual Lecture Returns in 2022: Damilola Ogunbiyi Speaks on Driving an Equitable Energy Transition

ERG Annual Lecture Returns in 2022: Damilola Ogunbiyi Speaks on Driving an Equitable Energy Transition

After going on hiatus for two years during the COVID-19 pandemic, the ERG Annual Lecture on Energy and the Environment returned as a fully in-person event this year, with Damilola Ogunbiyi speaking at Sibley Auditorium about how to drive a more just and equitable global energy transition.

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Misplaced Praise – How Kosovo Took a Step in the Wrong Direction

Misplaced Praise – How Kosovo Took a Step in the Wrong Direction

The U.S. government recently congratulated the government of Kosovo for signing a contract with American multi-national corporation Contour Global to build a new 500 MW coal-fired power plant. Kosovo highlights ... Continue Reading »

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ERG PhD Jalel Sager: What Obama Should Do in Laos

ERG PhD Jalel Sager: What Obama Should Do in Laos

ERG PhD candidate Jalel Sager, coauthored an article on President Obama's visit to Laos this week.

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Dr. Kammen on the Commitment Accounting Conversation in NYT

Dr. Kammen on the Commitment Accounting Conversation in NYT

How should we count carbon? New dialogue on power plants sparked by recent Environmental Research Letters paper.

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Topics (1 results)

He, Gang

Gang He


Gang’s research work focuses on energy mod­el­ing, energy eco­nom­ics, energy and cli­mate pol­icy, coal and power sec­tors and their key role in both the global energy sup­ply and in inter­na­tional ... Continue Reading »

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